The theft of the Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower stolen! Not once but twice! Who did this theft? How did you do that? Let's find out -
A man named Victor Lasting stole the Eiffel Tower and sold it twice. Again, to those who buy old iron-lockers. Because he thought the tower was too old. Moreover, if it survives to the iron-lock traders or what is evil! We'll know more about how the tower was stolen, but let's get to the famous thief first.
This famous thief was born in Hungary, Australia in 1890. He is an Australian citizen by nationality. He went to France to study. He went there and studied in Paris. In fact, he went to Paris to study, but he studied very little. Instead, he used to steal and pickpocket more. Then he became a regular thief, stealing and pick-pocketing as if it didn't matter to him then. Then it seems that his mind is no longer filled with all these petty thefts. So one day he thought what if the Eiffel Tower is sold! Moreover, the tower is quite old. So in order to sell the tower, he put out an advertisement in the newspaper introducing himself as a government official. But the most surprising thing here is that five of the most reputed companies in the city responded to his advertisement. Among them, Victor chose Andre Poison. He saved the Eiffel Tower. And disappeared in Australia. After covering his body there for some time, he returned to Paris. He used that great science like stealing again. And so he sold the Eiffel Tower twice and discovered himself on the list of famous thieves.
Tanvir Rahman